Monday, October 14, 2024

ROCOR could Canonize Fr Seraphim Rose 'in the next few years', says Archbishop of Canada

"Archbishop Gabriel [of Montreal and Canada] said that he personally sees no obstacle to glorifying Fr. Seraphim (Rose) in particular.

“ 'I met him when I was studying in seminary, a year before his death. There’s no doubt that he was a man of holy life,' he emphasized."

Br. José holding the Montreal Icon, in between St. John of San Francisco and Fr. Seraphim (Rose). Fresco, Holy Dormition Church in northern Moscow


The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia could consider the canonization of three of its most venerated representatives in coming years, according to one hierarch. 

“During the meetings of our Synod of Bishops, we have been discussing the possibility of new canonizations,” His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada said in a statement to Russian news. 

“In particular, we’re talking about glorifying the First Hierarch of ROCOR Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of blessed memory, the guardian of the myrrh-streaming Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God Br. José Muñoz-Cortes, as well as Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose),” the Archbishop specified. 

All three men are venerated throughout the Orthodox world, and Fr. Seraphim was locally canonized in the Akhalkalaki Diocese of the Georgian Orthodox Church last year. The incorrupt relics of Met. Philaret lie in the Holy Trinity Cathedral crypt at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, while Br. José, whom many consider a martyr, lies in the monastery cemetery just up the road. Every year, there is a pilgrimage to his grave on the anniversary of his slaying (October 31, 1997). 

At the same time, it’s already been seven years since His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the now reposed First Hierarch of ROCOR, reported that a commission had been created to draft and gather documents towards the glorification of Br. José. 

And according to Abp. Gabriel, the matter of all three possible canonizations is “still in the initial stage of consideration.” 

The hierarch said it would be premature to give any exact dating, only that something could happen “in the next few years.” 

Abp. Gabriel said that he personally sees no obstacle to glorifying Fr. Seraphim (Rose) in particular. 

“I met him when I was studying in seminary, a year before his death. There’s no doubt that he was a man of holy life,” he emphasized.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Commemorating the Repose of Blessed Father Seraphim Rose

Monday, September 2, 2024, marked the 42nd anniversary of the repose in the Lord of Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina.  

"Over one hundred pilgrims arrived at the hillside desert monastery of St. Herman of Alaska, co-founded by Fr. Seraphim (Rose). All wished to prayerfully commemorate the day of Fr. Seraphim’s repose in the Lord. Serving the Liturgy were Hieromonk Paisii of St. Herman Monastery, Priests Gregory Schultz, and Nectarios Rozadilla, and Deacon Benjamin."  -  From the photo essay at, shared by the Platina Brotherhood.

To further honor the anniversary, a second interview (embedded below) with Archpriest Paul Baba sharing more of his recollections of Father Seraphim, has been posted on YouTube. His first interview from September 2023 was wonderful, and filled with insights from and about our beloved father among the saints, Hieromonk Seraphim Rose.

May we have his blessing!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Should Fr Seraphim Rose be glorified as a Saint? (VIDEO)

Archpriest Paul Baba, a spiritual son of Fr. Seraphim Rose, shares his thoughts on the anticipated glorification (canonization) of Fr. Seraphim Rose and his significance for us today. 

"What's the hesitation?...I believe it’s time to glorify this holy, righteous man!... There are many saints, but here is one right here for us. It’s time, and the people are longing for it.”  - Fr. Paul Baba

Excerpt from the FULL INTERVIEW here:

Experiences with Fr. Seraphim Rose - from Archpriest Paul Baba

Originally posted on the Orthodox Wisdom YouTube Channel

Friday, October 27, 2023

Bishop Gerasim Interview on AFT: On Reading Fr. Seraphim Rose in Context (VIDEO)

This recent episode of Ancient Faith Today LIVE, with Fr. Thomas Soroka, was recorded Tuesday, October 24, and in addition to the interview, features His Grace's responses to numerous questions sent in during the show by viewers and listeners.

Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth: On Reading Fr. Seraphim Rose in Context (VIDEO)

From an article on the podcast at

His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth, Auxiliary Bishop of the Orthodox Church in America’s Diocese of the South, joined Fr. Thomas Soroka on his Ancient Faith Today Live podcast yesterday to talk about Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), who is greatly beloved throughout the Orthodox world.

Bp. Gerasim personally knew Fr. Seraphim during the last two years of his life. He became a monastic under the influence of Fr. Seraphim and lived under his guidance as a novice.

In yesterday’s show, he spoke with Fr. Thomas about reading Fr. Seraphim in context. Bp. Gerasim addresses several issues, including the availability of Orthodox material and Divine services in English in Fr. Seraphim’s time, ROCOR’s and Fr. Seraphim’s view of the OCA, including Fr. Alexander Schmemann, the teaching of the toll houses, Fr. Seraphim’s popularity throughout Eastern Europe, and more.

My thoughts and response:

The format and time constraints of the podcast format did not allow Fr. Thomas and Bp. Gerasim to further explore some of the topics covered, so I would like to offer the following brief observations, in an effort to amplify just a bit what was an immensely helpful and authoritative "inside look" at the life and writings of Blessed Hieromonk Seraphim by one who was "right there" the last two years of Fr. Seraphim's life.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Bishop Gerasim to appear on Ancient Faith Today Live: Tue. Oct 24

Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth (OCA) to appear on Ancient Faith Today LIVE with Fr. Tom Soroka

This will be a major episode on Ancient Faith Today. His Grace Bishop Gerasim is just the sober, knowledgeable voice needed to help provide a grounded hagiographical context for Blessed Father Seraphim Rose, as we approach his hoped for glorification and his entry into the calendar of saints.

For some background, listen to this fascinating interview of then Abbot Gerasim at Platina in 2007, conducted by Kevin Allen for The Illumined Heart podcast.

    This will be another major episode on Ancient Faith Today. His Grace, Bishop Gerasim (Eliel) is one of Blessed Father Seraphim's most significant spiritual children, having entered St Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, California, a little over a year before the repose of Father Seraphim. 

    After Fr Seraphim's death, he remained at the monastery and was soon tonsured a monk, and became deeply involved in the St Herman Brotherhood's publishing ministry. He helped Abbot Herman re-establish Orthodox monasticism on Spruce Island, Alaska, in the mid 1980s, and would later help lead the monastery back into canonical Orthodoxy around the year 2000. 

    After that pivotal event he served as abbot for a number of years before proceeding to St Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary where he graduated as valedictorian. He has served in a few key roles roles since then, including as Administrator of the OCA Diocese of the South, before being consecrated Bishop of Fort Worth and continuing as auxiliary bishop and administrator under Archbishop Alexander (Golitzin) of the OCA Diocese of the South.