Saturday, November 9, 2024

New Resource Website on the Worldwide Veneration of Blessed Hieromonk Seraphim

This much welcomed venture is, by its very existence, another example of the global veneration of Blessed Father Seraphim, and we wish the publisher and his team good strength and great success in advancing the cause of the glorification of this beloved, righteous ascetic struggler.  

Convert, writer, publisher, monastery founder and spiritual father, Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina shines like a burning light for our dark and troubled times, his words and example bursting with prophetic insights, counsel and significance. 

There is much to explore in this new website, and several unique features. Basic introductory texts are provided below. 

This information resource (internet site) was created to collect and publish information about the life, miracles and worldwide veneration of the 20th century American Orthodox ascetic Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina (Rose). It includes:

- preparation of materials for his canonization (declaration as a saint) in accordance with the tradition of the Orthodox Church.

- popularization of his life and teachings as a modern example of righteousness and as a guidance for salvation.

Follow the menu bar links for Information and About to learn how to contribute to the site's ongoing development. The publisher of the site has indicated his desire "to attract believers and specialists on voluntary basis to further replenish its content."